United States | Anaheim
10 - 13 March 2025






HAI HELI-EXPO is the world's largest helicopter trade show and conference, organized by the Helicopter Association International (HAI).

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The event features the latest technology in helicopter equipment and services. HAI HELI-EXPO provides a platform for helicopter manufacturers, operators, suppliers, and service providers to showcase their products and services. Also this event is a great opportunity to network with industry peers as well as attend educational sessions.

The HAI Heli Expo typically takes place in late winter or early spring and is held in different locations each year. Attendees can expect to see a wide range of helicopters and aircrafts on display, including military, commercial, and private models. The event also features seminars, workshops, and other educational opportunities for attendees to learn about the latest trends and developments in the helicopter industry. If you  and your Brand are also related to the Helicopter industry then it is a great chance that you should not let it go easily. To participate in HAI HELI EXPO 2025 contact RADON LLC as we are one of the to rated trade show booth builders in Anaheim.

Key Advantages to Participate at HAI HELI EXPO 2025

1. The HAI HELI-EXPO event is going to attract over 600 exhibitors from around the world.

2. More than 15,000 attendees are expected to join the event from different parts of the US and World. Attendees include helicopter manufacturers, operators, component suppliers, service providers, and government and military officials.

3. At over 1 million square feet of space around hundreds of helicopter and with aircrafts will be on display at the HELI EXPO including military and commercial helicopters. HAI HELI-EXPO focuses on the full spectrum of the helicopter industry, covering civilian, commercial, public and military rotorcraft. 

4. The event features many networking opportunities where industry professionals can meet, connect and do business. A number of press conferences and announcements also occur at the show.

5. Exhibiting and participating at HAI HELI-EXPO provides companies opportunities for brand exposure, generating leads, and forming partnerships and alliances.

6. Hundreds of education courses, seminars, workshops, and forums will be conducted at HAI HELI-EXPO 2025.